Shivani Kumari, a prominent contestant on Bigg Boss OTT 3, has garnered attention for her dramatic moments inside the house. Recently, in a dramatic turn of events, Shivani fainted after refusing to apologize as part of a punishment handed down by Bigg Boss. During a task where housemates were required to seek forgiveness, Shivani tearfully expressed her reluctance, leading to her collapse. Fellow contestant Ranvir Shorey rushed to her aid as she fell unconscious, with Armaan Malik seen carrying her to the medical room.

Earlier, Shivani stirred controversy for making a sexist remark about fellow contestant Poulomi Das’s attire, criticizing her for wearing a low neckline dress. This comment sparked a heated argument between them, highlighting tensions within the house. Shivani’s interactions with other contestants, including Armaan Malik and Vishal Pandey, have also been marked by conflict, adding to the ongoing drama on the reality show.

Bigg Boss OTT 3, featuring new host Anil Kapoor, has seen a mix of personalities including Shivani Kumari, Chandrika Dixit (known as the ‘Vada Pav girl’), Sai Ketan Rao, Sana Makbul, and others. The season has premiered on JioCinema, airing nightly at 9 PM.

The show continues to capture viewers’ attention with its intense drama and clashes among contestants, making it a compelling watch for reality TV enthusiasts.