Actor Karanveer Mehra, who joined Bigg Boss 18 after winning the Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 trophy, saw his journey on Salman Khan’s reality show come to a triumphant end on Sunday, as he was declared the winner. He defeated fellow finalists Vivian Dsena, Chum Darang, Eisha Singh, and Avinash Mishra. Vivian Dsena secured the first runner-up spot, while Rajat Dalal was named the second runner-up.
From the very beginning, Karanveer Mehra made a strong impression and kept the audience entertained throughout the show. Although he faced some setbacks along the way, he quickly recovered and became a dominant force in the game. His performance was so compelling that even Farah Khan remarked that Bigg Boss 18 seemed to be the Karanveer Mehra show.
Karanveer Mehra’s intense clashes with Vivian Dsena and Rajat Dalal were a major highlight of Bigg Boss 18, but his fun interactions with Shilpa Shirodkar and Chum Darang also won the hearts of viewers.
Karanveer Mehra shared the real reason behind his decision to join Bigg Boss 18, revealed a report from The Indian Express. He said, “The kind of fame and popularity this show exudes, and the reach it has, is why I wanted to be a part of it. Also, I have this fear that Salman sir would just turn around and say one day that he wouldn’t host the show anymore. So it’s better to be on the show when he is doing it.”
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