The trailer for ‘Bhed Bharam’, a new supernatural horror series by Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s Sunshine Pictures in collaboration with DD National, has just been unveiled. Based on Harkisan Mehta’s acclaimed novel, the series promises to deliver a spine-chilling experience for viewers.
Directed by Yusuf Basrai, the series combines mystery and horror, introducing a fresh addition to the horror genre on Indian television. The show features a talented ensemble cast, including Yashpal Sharma, Atul Kumar, Gaurav Chopra, Aishwarya Sakhuja, and others.
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Watch the trailer here:
Set on an ambitious scale for television, ‘Bhed Bharam’ delves into supernatural themes, aiming to captivate audiences with its haunting storyline and strong performances. Produced by Sunshine Pictures, the show is co-produced by Aashin A. Shah and Ravichand Nallappa. In addition to ‘Bhed Bharam’, Vipul Amrutlal Shah is also gearing up for his upcoming film ‘Hisaab’, featuring Jaideep Ahlawat and Shefali Shah, slated for release later this year.
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