Amid India’s festive season, Mattel has partnered with the ace fashion designer Anita Dongre to present Barbie doll with a uniquely Indian flavour. The new Barbie Signature Diwali edition has come complete with a moonlight bloom lehenga designed by Dongre, which includes a choli top, a floral Koti vest, and a lehenga skirt that has intricately been done in dahlia, jasmine, and the Indian lotus flowers. Dahlia generally is associated with strength whereas Jasmine speaks of beauty.
Adding a few traditional accessories to this look, so a bindi – golden bangles, earrings that add to the festive beauty of the doll. Special Diwali Barbie celebrates Indian artistry and craftsmanship.
Lalit Agarwal, Country Manager for Mattel India said, “We are committed to representing the stories young girls see in the world around them through Barbie, and we could not be more humbled to collaborate with the illustrious Indian couturier Anita Dongre to produce a doll that promotes this purpose.”.
An Anita Dongre echoes the same thought: “Together with Barbie, we will celebrate the essence of Indian fashion and culture on Diwali to fans worldwide.”
The Diwali Barbie will also sport a nicely tied ponytail with a middle part, nailing down the traditional Indian touch while touting efficiency.
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