Shah Rukh Khan’s children, Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan, were spotted at a party in Mumbai on Sunday. The siblings attended a gathering at an upscale restaurant with friends. Aryan’s rumored girlfriend, Larissa Bonesi, also made an appearance at the party, arriving later and fueling speculation about their relationship.

Aryan and Suhana at the Party

Aryan and Suhana posed briefly for the paparazzi before entering the venue. Aryan kept his look casual with faded jeans and a black t-shirt, while Suhana showcased her style in a figure-hugging brown dress adorned with flower motifs.

Larissa arrived at the party in a black dress and quickly entered the venue as photographers surrounded her for more pictures. Previously, Aryan and Larissa were seen together at a concert, though neither has officially confirmed their relationship.