Archana Puran Singh delighted fans by sharing an adorable video of her 94-year-old mother taking a ferry ride to visit her grandchildren. Posting the video on Instagram on Monday, the actress captured her mother’s joy and determination as she undertook the long journey despite her age-related challenges.

In her caption, Archana praised her mother’s resilience and highlighted the special bond between her mother and her son. She wrote, “PART 1: My mom. 94… and still going strong. Our parents were doing something right that we don’t do nowadays, but looking at @ayushmaansethi, it seems I did something right too! Ayush held the hand of ‘Nani’ in childhood and did not leave her till today.”

In the video, Archana provides a live commentary, describing her mother’s heartfelt wish to see her family. She says, “My mother, who is 94 years old, is telling me that she wants to meet her family and grandchildren, so we took her by ferry. She is so excited to meet her grand- and great-grandchildren.”

Archana Puran Singh, a familiar face in Bollywood and television, has starred in popular movies such as ‘Raja Hindustani’, ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’, and ‘Mohabbatein’. She married actor Parmeet Sethi in 1992, and they have two sons, Aryamann and Ayushmaan.

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