Ram Charan will be working next with Buchi Babu Sana who won a national award for his debut flick Uppena. Presented by the leading production house Mythri Movie Makers, Venkata Satish Kilaru is venturing into film production grandly with the movie to be mounted under the banners of Vriddhi Cinemas and Sukumar Writings.
For this venture, Oscar-award-winning composer AR Rahman has been roped in to score the music. The makers announced the news officially, on the occasion of Rahman’s birthday. Uppena was a musical hit and we can expect Buchi Babu’s second film is also going to be a musical chartbuster.
AR Rahman is one of the most successful composers ever in Indian cinema history and he enjoys a huge following among music lovers across the country. He became familiar globally after winning an Oscar award. Rahman’s music is universal and his work is going to be one of the major attractions and crowd pulling factor for this Pan India project.

Buchi Babu prepared a powerful script that will have a universal appeal. The makers will announce the details of the other cast and crew of the movie soon.