Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt, who previously starred together in hits like ‘Saajan’ and ‘Chal Mere Bhai’, are set to reunite for AP Dhillon’s new project, ‘Old Money’. This collaboration promises an exciting treat for Bollywood enthusiasts. AP Dhillon, the Indo-Canadian singer, took to Instagram on Friday to reveal a teaser of this upcoming venture.

In his teaser, Dhillon’s video included a message that read, “Old Money” and asked, “Did you miss me?” The post tagged Salman Khan, Sanjay Dutt, and rapper-songwriter Shinda Kahlon, with Dhillon commenting, “I know you didn’t see this one coming.” The motion graphic included images of Khan and Dutt alongside Dhillon.

 Salman Khan expressed his enthusiasm for the project by praising Dhillon on his Instagram Story, suggesting that Dhillon might be exploring acting as well. Sanjay Dutt joined the excitement by commenting “Brothers” on Dhillon’s post. While details about the project remain scarce, the announcement has already generated considerable buzz among fans.

Last year, AP Dhillon released his docu-series ‘AP Dhillon: First of a Kind’, which chronicled his journey from migrating to Canada to becoming a prominent singer despite numerous challenges. The release date for Old Money is yet to be announced.