Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli were spotted enjoying a brunch outing in Mumbai on Thursday, though they didn’t share any photos from their date themselves. Instead, it was Benne, a cozy café in Bandra, that posted a few memorable snapshots from their visit. The first image featured Anushka, casually dressed in khakis and a white tee with an overshirt, smiling with the café staff. Virat, in a white shirt and cap, stood just behind her. Another picture displayed their meal receipt, and yet another showed Virat’s autograph on a cap—a keepsake from the star cricketer.
However, the fourth picture is what caught the internet’s attention. The café staff added a humorous touch by Photoshopping in a staff member named Dinesh, who happened to miss work that day. The text in the photo playfully noted, “Pov: the one day you miss school. Dinesh was very sad he wasn’t on shift today so we photoshopped him.” Fans couldn’t help but sympathize, with one commenting, “Dinesh is the kid that skips school one day and something cool happens on that exact day.” Another added, “Manifesting a revisit for Dinesh.”
The post also featured a Kannada song by Dr. Rajkumar, “If You Come Today,” as a nod to Virat’s association with the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the IPL. Fans praised the song choice, with one user commenting, “That song selection is top.”
Balancing their lives between Mumbai and London, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli continue to keep busy with their individual projects. Recently, Virat was part of India’s cricket squad against New Zealand in the Test series and celebrated his birthday with family in Mumbai. Meanwhile, Anushka, whose last on-screen appearance was in Zero (2018), recently wrapped up her role in Chakda Xpress, a Netflix film based on cricketer Jhulan Goswami. Fans await the release date of this much-anticipated biopic, expected to premiere soon.
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