Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding festivities are causing a stir on the internet. Bollywood superstars graced the couple’s Sangeet ceremony, dancing their hearts out with them. Salman Khan and Anant, Ranveer Singh, Hardik Pandya, and Mahendra Singh Dhoni can be seen dancing to his popular single Jumme Ki Raat Hai from Kick in a viral video from the celebration.
In the video, a man is shown playing drumsticks as Ranveer sits on the drum and grooves to the music. Salman and Hardik are looking over, but then Anant invites everyone to dance to the upbeat tune.
Later, former Indian cricket captain Dhoni is seen dancing to the music, as Salman and Ranveer do their most energetic routines. Anant was pleased and happy as the Sikandar actor did his signature routine.
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