Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are preparing for their upcoming wedding on July 12 in Mumbai, surrounded by a series of extravagant pre-wedding celebrations organized by the Ambani family. Among these festivities is a special mass wedding for the underprivileged, initially planned at Swami Vivekanand Vidyamandir in Palghar on July 2. However, the venue was recently relocated to Reliance Corporate Park in Thane, scheduled for 4 pm on Tuesday.
The wedding celebrations commenced with a serene puja ceremony at the Ambanis’ residence, Antilia, on June 29. Guests received a glimpse of the luxurious wedding invite, presented in an ornate orange box adorned with images of Lord Vishnu and intricate Vaikuntha embroidery. Upon opening, the box plays a Vishnu mantra, emphasizing a spiritual theme. Inside, a golden book features detachable frames of Lord Ganesha and Radha Krishna, housing the wedding invitations personalized with handwritten notes.
Anant and Radhika’s pre-wedding festivities have been lavish, beginning with a grand cruise party from Italy to France in May-June and followed by an elaborate gala in Jamnagar in March, attended by over 1,000 guests from various domains. The upcoming wedding is set to span three days at Mumbai’s Jio World Convention Centre, featuring ‘Shubh Vivaah’ on July 12, ‘Shubh Aashirwad’ on July 13, and concluding with ‘Mangal Utsav’, the wedding reception, on July 14.
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