Amazon miniTV, the popular free streaming service, continues its commitment to diverse content with the recent launch of the cybercrime drama “Hack Crimes Online.” The series, directed by Parmeet Sethi, tackles alarming cybercrime instances, including social media hacking, blackmail, and ransomware attacks on major corporations. Starring Vipul Gupta and Riddhi Gupta in key roles, the thrilling series is a production of Friday Storytellers, renowned for crafting compelling crime thrillers in India. “Hack Crimes Online” is based on a novel by India’s distinguished cyber-crime investigator, Amit Dubey.
In a recent round table discussion, Shital Bhatia, Co-Founder of Friday Storytellers, shared insights into the challenges of adapting a book into an engaging edutainment series. The discussion, which included Parmeet Sethi, Vipul Gupta, and Amogh Dusad, Head of content at Amazon miniTV, explored current cyber risks, prevention strategies, and the innovative role of Amazon miniTV in spreading awareness. He said, “The most challenging part was to translate the technicality for the viewers to understand, but I’m so glad that Parmeet and the team have managed to pull it off so smoothly. So, yes the biggest challenge was to maintain the engagement and prevent it from becoming boring. A hacker sits in front of his machine all day long which may seem boring at times if shown in the exact same manner and our challenge was to not make it look boring, we wanted to capture the attention of our audience on all aspects.”
The series provides a gripping exploration of dark cybercrimes, shedding light on the extensive reach of the internet and our vulnerability in the hacking world.
“Hack Crimes Online” is now exclusively available on Amazon miniTV, accessible through Amazon’s shopping app, Fire TV, and the Play Store.