The drama film ‘All we Imagine as Light‘, which was written and directed by Payal Kapadia, is a 2024 release. Some of the cast members are Divya Prabha, Chhaya Kadam, Hridhu Haroon, and Kani Kusruti. Among the countries that collaborated on the film making are France, India, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Italy making it an international co-production.
Earlier the movie became the first Indian firm in 30 years to qualify for the Cannes Film Festival. The movie was given a standing ovation for eight minutes at its screening, the highlight of the event was when it went back home with the Grand Prix Award, which is Cannes’ second most coveted honour. ‘All We Imagine as Light’ has won several awards, including the Gotham Award, Silver Hugo, RTVE– Another Look Award, and New York Film Critics Circle’s Best International Film.
It also won the Jury Grand Prize, received six nominations for the Asia Pacific Screen Awards, and was recognised at the San Diego Film Critics Society Awards. The movie was nominated for the Astra Film Awards and the British Independent Film Awards. It competed in March.
The list is growing as ‘All We Imagine As Light’ continues to hold an impressive record of accolades. So far, the film has been nominated for two Golden Globes: Best Motion Picture – Non-English Language and Best Direction – Motion Picture.
The story of the film revolves around Prabha and Anu, two Malayali nurses working in Mumbai who navigate love and loss. There are explorations, along those lines, on interpersonal relationships as well as forgiveness and acceptance themes.
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