Akshay Kumar, along with his co-stars Riteish Deshmukh and Fardeen Khan, recently delighted fans by recreating their famous dance steps from the film Heyy Babyy. They added a fun twist by incorporating moves from ‘Hauli Hauli,’ a new song from Akshay’s upcoming film Khel Khel Mein. The trio’s lively performance, shared on Akshay’s Instagram on Tuesday, not only evoked nostalgia but also gave fans a preview of their new project.

In his Instagram post, Akshay invited fans to join in the fun, saying, “When Heyy Babyy meets Hauli Hauli. We had a blast doing this khel khel mein, now you guys create your reels with your friends on #HauliHauli, share with us and we’ll reshare the best ones. Khel Khel Mein releases in cinemas on August 15, 2024.”

The video quickly generated buzz among fans, with comments like “Craziest collab of 2024” and “Heyy Babyy trio.” Earlier this month, Akshay also unveiled the trailer for Khel Khel Mein, which stars Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Ammy Virk, and Taapsee Pannu. In his Instagram post about the trailer, Akshay teased, “Khel khel mein dosti aur pyaar ka rang chadega, masti aur mazaak, sab kuch milega! #KhelKhelMein trailer out now. Khel Khel Mein releases in cinemas on August 15, 2024.”

The trailer reveals a plot centered on seven friends who, during a dinner party, play a game that leads to the unraveling of secrets and hidden truths as they surrender their phones. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vipul D Shah, Ashwin Varde, Rajesh Bahl, Shashikant Sinha, and Ajay Rai, and directed by Mudassar Aziz, Khel Khel Mein promises to be a comedy-drama that blends humor with emotional depth, aiming to offer a unique cinematic experience.