Actor Akshay Kumar and debutant Veer Pahariya brought charm and enthusiasm to Hindustan Times’ Stars in the City session. In a candid conversation with Sonal Kalra, Chief Managing Editor for Entertainment and Lifestyle, they discussed their upcoming film Sky Force, their experiences, and much more.

‘Kyon na kare’

Akshay defended himself against criticism over his penchant for patriotic roles, saying, “It’s not the same genre. This is a different story. There is nothing similar to Airlift or Rustom,” he said, adding, “If I’m getting such a lovely opportunity, you think I should give it a miss because some people say, ‘Aap deshbhakti ki film kyon karte ho?’ Kyon na kare!”

Sky Force showcases India’s first-ever airstrike during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war, focusing on the retaliatory attack on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase. Akshay plays Wing Commander K.O. Ahuja, based on Group Captain O.P. Taneja, while Veer portrays Squadron Leader T. Vijaya, inspired by Sqd. Ldr. A.B. Devaiah. Akshay emphasized the film’s emotional depth, stating, “The whole film is not only about war; it is also about what happens to the family and children left behind.”

Veer on Acting Tips from Janhvi Kapoor

Veer Pahariya, linked to Janhvi Kapoor through his brother Shikhar, acknowledged seeking her advice. “She’s a talented actress and played a real character in Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl. I took a lot of advice from her,” he shared, adding that he often seeks tips from his actor friends.

Known for his disciplined lifestyle, Akshay inspired Veer to follow a fitness routine. “Akshay sir is always on the move, running around the set. I had a great time following his routine,” Veer said. Akshay advised, “Wake up early, have dinner by 6:30 pm, and get 8 hours of sleep. Exercise and work hard. Our biggest health challenges today are diabetes and heart disease. We need healthier people and environments.”

Hera Pheri 3 Updates

Akshay confirmed that Hera Pheri 3 is going on well, and he hopes to start shooting later this year. He also spoke about his reunion with Priyadarshan in Bhoot Bangla, which he described as “going back to school” and appreciating the director’s teachings on comedy and action.

Speaking about sequels, Akshay remarked, “When it comes to films, you can never predict what will happen. I choose films that resonate with me and focus on the relationships I build with filmmakers.” He concluded with hope that audiences embrace Sky Force for its storytelling and portrayal of the Indian Air Force and their families.