Bollywood actor Rimi Sen has filed a ₹50 crore lawsuit against Land Rover, claiming her car has persistent defects. Ms. Sen bought the vehicle for ₹92 lakh in 2020 from Satish Motors Pvt. Ltd., an authorized Jaguar Land Rover dealer, with a warranty valid until January 2023. Due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, the car was rarely used until restrictions were lifted. Once Ms. Sen began using it regularly, she reportedly encountered several problems, including issues with the sunroof, sound system, and rear-end camera.

In her complaint, Ms. Sen stated that on August 25, 2022, a faulty rear-end camera caused her car to hit a pillar. Despite informing the dealership about these issues, Ms. Sen alleges that they were dismissive, demanding evidence before addressing her concerns. This led to repeated repair attempts where one issue would be fixed, only for another to arise.

Ms. Sen’s legal notice claims that both the car’s manufacturing and its maintenance by the dealer were faulty. She said that despite sending the vehicle for repairs more than ten times, the problems persisted, causing her significant mental distress and inconvenience.

She is seeking ₹50 crore in compensation for the mental harassment she suffered, as well as ₹10 lakh to cover legal costs. Ms. Sen is also asking for the defective vehicle to be replaced.