Director Ranjith Balakrishnan, known for his National Film Award-winning works, has recently been booked on sexual assault charges. A 31-year-old male actor filed a complaint last week in Bengaluru, alleging that Ranjith assaulted him at a five-star hotel near Bengaluru’s Kempegowda International Airport in December 2012. The actor, who first met Ranjith during the shooting of the film Bavuttiyude Namathil in Kozhikode, claimed Ranjith lured him under the guise of an audition and forced him to strip in exchange for a prominent role.
Additionally, Bengali actress Sreelekha Mitra has also accused Ranjith of assault in a complaint filed with the Kochi Police Commissioner. She claimed he touched her inappropriately during an audition for Paleri Manikyam in 2009.
Ranjith has strongly denied both allegations. Regarding Mitra’s case, he stated that she was called for an audition but was dismissed as unsuitable for the role. Following mounting pressure from political figures, Ranjith resigned as Chairman of the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy.
The Kerala film industry has been rocked by multiple sexual misconduct allegations following the Justice Hema Committee report’s release. Notable figures, including actor Mukesh—now a CPIM lawmaker—and former AMMA General Secretary Edavela Babu, have faced criminal charges.
Mukesh, arrested last month, secured anticipatory bail while facing charges for alleged forced physical contact with intent to outrage a woman’s modesty. The controversy led to the dissolution of the AMMA Executive Committee, with President Mohanlal stating the panel’s resignation was a “moral responsibility.”
The #MeToo wave has extended beyond Kerala. In Tamil Nadu, actress Sowmya recently accused a popular director of severe abuse, drawing renewed attention to issues of abuse and misconduct in South Indian cinema.
As Kerala and neighboring industries grapple with these allegations, the public demands accountability, sparking calls for structural changes within these prominent organizations.
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