On Tuesday, actor Abhishek Bachchan extended prayers to those impacted by Cyclone Michaung in Chennai. In an Instagram story, he urged, “Chennai, stay safe,” accompanied by folded hand emojis.
The capital city of Tamil Nadu faced significant disruption in public life as torrential rains swept through numerous areas. Wallajah Road, Mount Road, Anna Salai, Chepauk, the vicinity of Omandurar Government Multispecialty Hospital, and various low-lying regions experienced flooding owing to continuous heavy downpours.
Amid destruction caused by Severe Cyclonic storm ‘Michaung’ in the state, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin today said that the rainfall received during Cyclone period has exceeded what the state has received in 2015.
Addressing a press conference, the Tamil Nadu chief minister said, “Even after receiving historical rains, the damage is less compared to the previous times. The rains received during Cyclone Michaung exceeded what we received in 2015 when the floods were artificial due to the release of water from Sembarambakkam Lake but now it is a natural flood.”
Eight people have died and multiple roads and subways are closed due to waterlogging in Chennai.
The police also added that many families including pregnant women, children, and senior citizens were rescued from different areas who were stuck due to havoc wreaked by the cyclone.
Around 17 subways including the Ganesapuram Subway, Gengureddy Subway, Sembium (Perambur), Villivakkam and Duraisamy Subway are closed due to water logging, the police said further.