Aaradhya Bachchan, daughter of Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, captured the internet’s heart with her respectful gesture towards Kannada star Shiva Rajkumar during the recently concluded SIIMA 2024 ceremony in Dubai. Aaradhya, who accompanied her mother Aishwarya to the event, was seen greeting Shiva Rajkumar in a heartwarming moment that quickly went viral on social media.

Aaradhya’s Respectful Gesture

In a video shared by paparazzo Manav Manglani on Instagram, Aaradhya is seen meeting Shiva Rajkumar, the brother of the late actor Puneeth Rajkumar. After Aishwarya introduced her to the Kannada superstar, Aaradhya greeted him with folded hands, a big smile, and then respectfully touched his feet to seek his blessings. Aishwarya, who was seated next to Chiyaan Vikram, looked on with a proud smile.


Social Media Praise for Aaradhya’s Upbringing

Aaradhya’s respectful gesture did not go unnoticed, with social media users lauding the Bachchan family for her upbringing. Comments flooded the video, praising Aaradhya’s manners and values. One user remarked, “That girl has been taught right—respect to elders.” Another added, “These sanskaars can only come from the Bachchan family.” Several others commended the young girl’s display of tradition, calling it a reflection of good upbringing.


Aishwarya and Aaradhya’s Red Carpet Moment

In addition to the viral video, Aishwarya and Aaradhya made an appearance on the red carpet together. The mother-daughter duo posed for the cameras, with Aishwarya planting a sweet kiss on Aaradhya’s forehead before they headed inside the event. The actress, who won the Best Actress (Critics) award for her role in Ponniyin Selvan, was also seen catching up with Chiyaan Vikram, who won the Best Actor award for the same film.

Aaradhya’s respectful gesture, along with her appearance at the SIIMA 2024 awards, further solidified her place as one of Bollywood’s most well-mannered young stars.