At the 2024 National Film Awards, Rishab Shetty was honored with the Best Actor award, announced on Friday, August 16. His film Kantara also took home the award for ‘Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.’

Released in September 2022, Kantara features Shetty in a standout role, blending folklore with a captivating narrative about the clash between humanity and nature. Set in coastal Karnataka, the film explores local traditions such as Kambla and Bhootha Kola, and has been praised for its unique storytelling and cultural depth.

Shetty not only starred in Kantara but also wrote and directed it, contributing to its massive success, which saw it earning over Rs 450 crore at the box office. The film’s acclaim extends to a broad audience, including celebrities, politicians, and cricketers.

Looking ahead, Rishab Shetty is working on Kantara 2. He revealed in 2023 that the film audiences saw was actually the second part, and the prequel, titled Kantara Chapter 1, will explore the origins of the Panjurli Daiva and Guliga Daiva divinities. While the release date for Kantara Chapter 1 has not yet been announced, anticipation is already building for this prequel.

“We are very pleased and thankful to the audience who had shown immense love and support to Kantara. With the blessing of almighty Daiva, the film has successfully completed 100 days, and I would like to take this opportunity to announce the prequel of Kantara. What you have seen is actually Part 2; Part 1 will come next year,” Shetty stated.