Manoj Bajpayee’s film ‘Gulmohar’ won the Best Hindi Film Award at the 70th National Film Awards for 2022. The awards were announced on Friday in the national capital. The jury for the awards included Rahul Rawail as Chairperson of the Feature Film Jury, Nila Madhab Panda as Chairperson of the Non-Feature Film Jury, and Gangadhar Mudalair as Chairperson of the Best Writing on Cinema Jury.

In addition to winning Best Hindi Film, ‘Gulmohar’ received a Special Mention. Other films that also received Special Mentions include the Malayalam film ‘Kadhikan’, ‘Ponniyin Selvan Part-1’, and works by Sanjoy Salil Chowdhury.

Directed by Rahul V. Chittella, ‘Gulmohar’ centers on the Batra family, who are preparing to leave their 34-year-old family home, Gulmohar. The film explores how this transition leads to a rediscovery of family bonds and unveils long-held secrets and insecurities. The cast includes Sharmila Tagore, Simran, and Suraj Sharma.