12th fail star Vikrant Massey, who recently welcomed his son Vardaan with his wife Sheetal, made headlines as he unveiled a new tattoo bearing his son’s name on his hand. Massey personally shared this update via his Instagram stories on Saturday evening. Vikrant shared a detailed image of his arm adorned with the names ‘Vardaan’ and ‘7-2-2024’ inked on it. Along with the photo, he wrote, “Addition or addiction? I love them both.”
Vikrant and his wife, Sheetal Thakur, celebrated the arrival of their first child, Vardaan, on Feb 7.
Take a look at the post below:
Just days ago, the couple pleasantly surprised their followers with a glimpse of their newborn’s face. The heartwarming image captured the baby peacefully sleeping in Sheetal’s arms, as Vikrant Massey lovingly gazed at them. The photograph was presumably taken post a pooja, as both parents had teeka adorning their foreheads. Additionally, in the same post, the couple unveiled their son’s name as Vardaan. They captioned the post, “Nothing short of a blessing… We named him VARDAAN!!!”
Vikrant Massey recently opened up about being a new dad. In an interview with GQ, he said, “It’s the best role of my life. [Laughs.] A role that’s going to last a lifetime and the one I’m most looking forward to.” When asked about how he plans to raise his son in the current social climate, Vikrant said, “I’m going to take each day as it comes. I want to be nimble and think on my feet, so I can adapt. The pace at which the world is changing is faster than most of us can comprehend, so there’s no point in planning ahead. The priority is to ensure my baby is healthy, and apart from that, I’m just soaking it all in.”
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