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BJP & Congress remain head-on over illegal mining, farmers’ agitation, religion

The discussion pertaining to the no-confidence motion moved by the main opposition party Congress in Haryana Legislative Assembly between the ruling party Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress on Thursday led to verbal spat and ruckus. While speaking on the no-confidence motion, the Congress MLA left no stone unturned to corner the government […]

The discussion pertaining to the no-confidence motion moved by the main opposition party Congress in Haryana Legislative Assembly between the ruling party Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress on Thursday led to verbal spat and ruckus. While speaking on the no-confidence motion, the Congress MLA left no stone unturned to corner the government on many issues. Meanwhile, while speaking on the proposal, the squabble between many MLAs of BJP and Congress increased so much that Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta himself had to intervene. Further in this series, Ranjit Singh an independent MLA and the Power Minister Ranjeet Singh Chautala took on the Congress stating that After Congress Bibi Batra and Varun Chaudhary, Cabinet Minister Ranjit Singh Chautala said that the Congress party has continuously weakened as the bigwigs continue to bid a farewell to the party. During the 3-hour long debate on the no-confidence motion, the house witnessed heated debate between both factions on illegal mining, the color of the tricolor and religion and the atmosphere in the House became heated. In continuation to this, Congress’s Shamsher Singh Gogi took on the ruling faction that although the British have left the country but their followers still remain which led to ruckus in the house.

On illegal mining, Congress MLA BL Saini said that illegal mining is mushrooming in the state on a large scale, even in many districts on Panchayat land. Raising the issue of lifting of soil from 200 acres of land, he accused a minister of connivance stating that the contractors pocketed all the money incurred from illegal mining. Meanwhile, Education Minister Kanwarpal Gurjar got enraged saying that of course he has not been dragged directly into the matter , but in the case of illegal mining, allegations have been indirectly leveled against and before this, Congress MLA Raghbir Kadian had also made allegations citing illegal mining in Yamunanagar. On this, Congress MLAs said that if allegations have not been made by taking your name then what is troubling you. In reaction to this, Kanwar Pal said that mention even a single place, any place where I have done illegal mining. On this, BL Saini said that illegal mining has been reported on Panchayat land at many places.
While intervening into the matter, the Panchayat Minister Devendra Babli said that there has been no illegal mining activities anywhere on the Panchayat land and if anyone has the details of such a village, then the information associated with the same should be made public so that those involved in illegal mining can be put behind bars irrective of their position. On the whole issue, Mining Minister Moolchand Sharma told the House that he has five brothers and other relatives in his family, but till date there is no connection with illegal mining related activity anywhere. In this way, three ministers had to clarify the matter in the House.

During the debate in the House, Shamsher Singh Gogi said that the ruling faction is continuously mocking the Constitution which is evident from the behavior of the BJP MLAs in the House as they have left no stone unturned in destroying the prestige of the Constitution. Meanwhile, a heated debate started between Gogi and BJP’s Aseem Goyal and Mahipal Dhanda on the history of the Congress party. Meanwhile, Aseem Goyal said that Congress has made a mockery of the Constitution because they have even taken the flag of their party from the tricolor. In a reaction to this, Leader of Opposition Bhupendra Singh Hooda said that Aseem Goyal lacks the knowledge about the history of the Congress flag that was already made prior to independence. after independence, hence the tricolor came into existence later.

Apart from the above, the issue of farmers and religion also echoed in the House. Congress MLAs Gogi said that animosity, casteism and religious fanaticism have witnessed new heights in the country during the regime of the BJP. He said that if an officer is wearing a turban then he is being termed as a Khalistani which is not appropriate at all and Sikh community has made an important contribution in the independence and unification of the country, which cannot be forgotten. While reacting to this, Aseem Goyal said that Congress should not forget the 1984 riots, a disgrace on the face of the country and Congress leaders had a very stigmatizing role in it. On the issue of farmers, Congress said that farmers are sitting at the border demanding MSP and other demands and the police action swallowed the life of a 24-year-old youth. On the matter, Abhay Singh Chautala also said that the government is leaving no stone unturned to harass the farmers.

The issue of Congress MLA Maman Khan was raised several times in the House. Congress legislators said that action was initiated against Maman Khana by making him an accused in the Nuh riots and further was granted the bail by the High Court. Since he has been granted bail, what has made the state government to come up with an revengeful action against him booking him under UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act). Bhupendra Singh Hooda said that action should not be taken in the spirit of revenge or religion.

