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Be free from worry and illness


Whenever we speak of the mind and body, it is the mind that comes first. If we suppress the mind, it causes mischief. The mind cannot bear to be suppressed. Being suppressed, subservient or dependent are habits that have developed in the mind and do not allow us to see inside and who we are. Become free of ‘I’ and ‘mine’. The feelings of ego and attachments, the ego of ‘I’ and attachment of ‘mine’ both have a big effect on the body.

There are various illnesses of the mind, yet these are the main ones that affect the mind and body a great deal. Ego is false pride in everything in the materialistic world. It does not allow me to stay in awareness of what is real. With attachment, we hold on to situations and things. It is a subtle and deep feeling within to become free of ego and attachment.

For example, do not think what is going to happen to everyone around me if I die? Learn to meditate and create a beautiful atmosphere in the home. Develop courage. Meditation helps us to face situations. Anything can happen suddenly, so remain ever-ready in such situations. It is possible to go beyond worry, fear and sorrow. I may not be ill but if we have these three habits then I cannot help anyone in any way.

Honesty, faith and courage are the antidotes. Look at your purpose in life. I should have so much truth, faith and courage in the self that I am able to empower those that come in front of me. Remain free of tension and instead have total attention. Have good wishes and pure feelings for all. Go deep inside and see what type of feelings there are. Remove any negative ones. With good wishes, we can help others as these works from deep inside. Good wishes really empower and encourage people and they feel that they are OK.

What medicines are not able to do, courage and faith can achieve, and Inner strength develops. Illnesses develop due to disheartenment. So do not allow the self to become hopeless in any situation and do not allow others to become disheartened. The main reason for illnesses arising is due to the ill-feeling inside. So free the self from these and then you will be able to help others too. When there is tiredness inside this also does not help. In today’s world, young and old will say they are tired. If a car has a tyre puncture, imagine the condition of the car. In the same way, when human beings get ‘tyred’, what is our condition? We do not work very well. If someone realises the reasons for the illness and removes these reasons they will become well again.

Take three tablets each morning—patience, peace and love—and the whole day will be empowered. When there is the pain of the body, I the soul can still remain free from sorrow. Then we are able to move through it. Have patience and it will go away. To make a big thing into something small is the act of someone who has sense. When we make something big from small, there is no cure. Do not give sorrow to anyone or take it. Do not accept sorrow from anyone. Another cause of illness is from taking and giving sorrow. Constantly remain smiling and you will find nothing is difficult. Rehearse this and see. The situations are external, so feel the power of the smile inside. Let go of everything and move forward. God is my companion and in playing my role I am a hero actor. The Almighty Authority is my father, teacher and true guide and He tells me, do not worry.

The late Dadi Janki was the Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris.

