At the Pashupatinath Temple in Nepal on Friday, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar led prayers. He said he prayed for the relationship between India and Nepal as well as the welfare of their respective populations. Jaishankar said, “Happy to visit the Pashupatinath Temple this morning,” taking to X. prayed for our two peoples’ well-being and the relationship between India and Nepal.” The 7th India-Nepal Joint Commission meeting was “comprehensive and productive,” with EAM Jaishankar and his Nepali counterpart NP Saud co-chairing. Topics of discussion included general bilateral ties, defense cooperation, energy, power, and water resources, as well as projects involving land, rail, and air connectivity.

During the visit, Nepal and India signed a long-term agreement on electricity trade, as part of which Nepal will export 10,000 megawatts of electricity to India over the next ten years.
Agreements were signed on the implementation of High Impact Community Development Projects, long Term Power Trade, Cooperation in Renewable Energy Development, Munal Satellite and the Handover of 5th tranche of the post-Jajarkot earthquake relief supply.
Three cross-border transmission lines were jointly inaugurated during Jaishankar’s visit.
“Co-chaired with my counterpart FM @NPSaudnc a comprehensive and productive meeting of the 7th India-Nepal Joint Commission. Discussions focused on our overall bilateral ties, trade & economic relations, land, rail & air connectivity projects, cooperation in defense & security, agriculture, energy, power, water resources, disaster management, tourism, civil aviation, people-to-people & cultural exchanges and development partnership,” Jaishankar said in a post on X.