Alexei Navalny, the prominent figure in Russia’s opposition, spent his last weeks in an Arctic penal colony serving a controversial 19-year prison term. Despite the challenging circumstances, Navalny communicated through his legal team, maintaining his signature optimistic and humorous style on social media.

In a December 26 post, Navalny introduced his new Arctic prison, playfully referring to himself as “your new grandfather Frost” in traditional Russian winter attire. Addressing concerns about his well-being during the arduous 20-day journey, he assured his followers, saying, “Don’t worry about me; everything is well. I am so happy that I finally got here.”

In subsequent updates, Navalny shared insights into his conditions, including a quarantine period and experiences in solitary confinement. Despite facing frequent spells in isolation, he sustained his humor, recounting his daily walks in the pitch-dark Arctic mornings and injecting humor with references to actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Navalny humorously critiqued prison routines, describing the early wake-up accompanied by the Russian national anthem and President Vladimir Putin’s unofficial anthem. Even during court proceedings, he maintained his lighthearted demeanor, joking with the judge about fines imposed on him.

His final social media post on Valentine’s Day conveyed a heartfelt message to his wife, Yulia, expressing love and gratitude despite the physical separation between them.