In a shocking incident, influencer Thanakarn Kanthee, also known as “Bank Leicester” online, passed away at 21 after he consumed two bottles of whisky while doing a drinking challenge. Thanakarn Kanthee had intellectual disabilities, and he was promised 30,000 Thai baht (₹75,228) to consume the liquor on Christmas at his friend’s birthday party in Chanthaburi.
He had already been drinking and accepted the challenge. Within 20 minutes, he gulped down all the bottles and fainted shortly thereafter. He was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead because of alcohol poisoning.
Kanthee had done many extreme challenges before, such as drinking hand sanitizer and wasabi, for money. The police arrested the man who hired Kanthee for the challenge. The man confessed to reckless behavior causing death and faces a jail term of up to 10 years, along with a fine.
Online outrage arose as more and more were condemned for their response to seeing Kanthee fall. Kanthee even went viral sharing how desperate he is to raise his family when he wrote: “I am willing to be bullied and insulted to just get scraps of money from the rich people in order to provide for my family.”