Around 30 renowned artists from the country have participated in a group show titled ‘The small story’. The show is being showcased by Navya Naveli Gallery and curated by Amrita Kochhar. The show started on 3 February and will continue till 5 March 2023.
‘The Small Story’ – The story which is not small after all. A story of depth, perspective, passion and creativity. “The small story” threads together the conceptualised works of some of the country›s best contemporary artists in small format. Small is beautiful, finding energy in the divine, divinity in the minute, Hope and content in the tiny, the small format stitches together a larger canvas of excellence, passion and meaning through colour, strokes of the brush and the artist’s imagination.
Some of the participants are Anjani Reddy, Asit Patnaik, Binoy Varghese, Dharmender Rathore, Kanchan Chander, Laxman Aelay, Nawal Kishore, Nayanna Kanodia, Nupur Kundu, Shampa Bhattacharjee, Vijender Sharma, Vimmi Indra and many more will be part of this event.
Curator Amrita Kochhar said, “This is a group exhibition of 30 artists who all are very renowned and famous. This a small story of each artist who was represented through this artworks. I am very proud to curate this type of show where all are big artists.”
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