The “Laugh re Laugh Theatre Festival”, showcased a stellar ensemble of popular, versatile comic Bollywood and theatre personalities from the Film and Television Industry. The acclaimed cast included Asrani, Padmini Kolhapure, Rakesh Bedi, Delnaz, Irani, Naveen Bawa, Chitrashi Rawat among others.

A unique musical play, “Zamaana Kya Kahega?” showcased Rakesh Bedi and Delnaaz Irani as the accidental lovers. The play is interspersed with over 20 different dance performances as well. The romantic comedy takes place in 2007, a time where the newly-launched internet cafes play cupid in the love story of two strangers – Yash and Payal. This family-friendly love story takes us back to the old-school Bollywood era, where we re-live Madhubala’s ‘Anarkali’, Kishore Kumar’s melodies, Dev Anand’s evergreen charm and ask boldly, ‘Jab Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya?’.

A fan favourite, “Zamaana Kya Kahega?” has been performed over 50 times in Delhi-NCR and always recieved rave reviews.
Actor Rakesh Bedi said, “Zamaana Kya Kahega is a metaphor within which the Indian society survives. We are always surviving in fear that what people are thinking about us. This story is about two persons who have crossed their youth and are living in isolation. Both are searching a companion but still they fear that in this age if they are found in relationship then what will people think. The story is set in 2007 when people had to go to cyber café for chatting.”

Guncha Kanupriya, Co-Founder & Co-Director, Kanupriya Theatre Company (KTC) said, “When one thinks of theatre, they often associate it with serious, dark classics. “Laugh re Laugh Theatre Festival” is an attempt by us to portray that theatre can be light-hearted and meaningful at the same time. Both the plays “Zamaana Kya Kahega?” & “Baap Ka Baap” are unique musical comedies that have never been performed before in Delhi on this scale”.