The Panna Bharat Ram Theatre Festival, organized by the Shri Ram Centre for Performing Arts (SRCPA), is set to commence on December 18. This festival, curated in memory of the late Panna Bharat Ram, an accomplished actress and former President of SRC, stands as a tribute to her legacy in the theatrical realm. Celebrating almost over a decade of successful runs, this year’s edition promises a blend of timeless classics as well as record breaking contemporary hits, showcasing the utmost brilliance in theatre on the stage.
The 2023 lineup boasts critically acclaimed plays from distinguished playwrights such as Girish Karnad and Asghar Wajaahat, alongside iconic productions like “Mahaabali”, “Tughlaq”,”Agni aur Barkha,” and “Daaku Sultana”. Renowned directors including MK Raina and Padmashree Ram Dayal Sharma, have captained these performances which will be staged at the SRC auditorium, situated in the vibrant heart of Mandi House, New Delhi.
Adding an exciting dimension to this year’s festival is the debut of three performances at the SRC auditorium, including Juhi Babbar Soni’s “Ekjute’s With Love, Aap Ki Saiyaara,” Ajay Kumar’s “Badaa Bhaand,” and “Nat Samrat,” directed by Jayant Deshmukh.
For avid theatre enthusiasts, the festival ensures an immersive experience, traversing a bed of emotions such as nostalgia, playfulness, passion, love, desire, jealousy, discovery, empathy and, above all, pure happiness. It serves as a unique opportunity to witness some of the finest works of various genres like Nautanki style, Kathaa-Gaayan-Vaachan, amongst others, bringing together art, history, literature and reality in a magical week of exceptional performances.
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