Gurugram Gymkhana Club successfully hosted an electrifying Dandiya Night event last night, graced by the renowned singer, Shibani Kashyap, and charismatically hosted by Neha Rana. This cultural spectacle, presented by ACE Hospitality, lived up to its promise, delivering an unforgettable evening of music, dance, and celebration.

Shibani Kashyap, a talented singer with a soulful voice and an engaging stage presence, was the highlight of the evening. She played both popular Bollywood songs and traditional folk music, and made sure the audience kept dancing to Dandiya music all night. Neha Rana, an esteemed anchor, and entertainer, added charm and energy to the event. Her engaging presence ensured that the evening was filled with laughter and memorable moments.

“Last night’s Dandiya night was an overwhelming success, uniting over 7000 enthusiastic attendees in the celebration of joy and culture. As we look ahead, we’re committed to fostering even greater engagement and support for our future cultural endeavors,” said, Ashish Chaturvedi, Co-Founder of Ace Hospitality.

“The success of our Dandiya Night event is a testament to the power of culture and celebration. We are truly grateful to everyone who joined us in creating this magical evening. Let this be a reminder that when traditions are embraced with love and enthusiasm, incredible things happen. Thank you for making this event a resounding success!”, said Paramjeet Kaur, Founder of Ace Hospitality.