In the aftermath of the British Raj, India underwent significant transformations; however, the art education system within schools clung to traditional paradigms. Despite centuries of artists asserting their uniqueness, the Indian school system persisted in championing a specific art style influenced by Western academic conventions.

Renowned artist Anita Goel is set to challenge this entrenched status quo with her upcoming solo exhibition, Avataran. Scheduled for unveiling on February 4, Goel aims to revolutionize prevailing artistic norms embedded within Indian educational institutions.
“The school art system perpetuates undistinguished artworks, stifling creativity,” remarks Anita Goel. “I aspire to disrupt this homogeneity and redefine contemporary Indian art.”
Anita Goel’s artistic vision transcends conventional boundaries. Her creations extend beyond the canvas, exploring the untapped potential of painting tools, especially painting knives. Embracing the ethos of abstract expressionism, Goel rejects the notion that a painting must convey a specific message, prioritizing instead the interplay of form and medium.
At the core of Goel’s work lies a bold exploration of form, color, and texture. Each piece encourages viewers to delve deeper, guided by recurring avian motifs—an homage to her previous series, Udaan, and a prelude to Avataran. The avian imagery serves as a narrative thread, inviting observers to discover new perspectives with each glance. Through the intentional use of irregularly shaped canvases and varying thicknesses, Goel creates a sense of three-dimensionality within the confines of a flat surface. The textured layers of knifed paint engage with the canvas’s nuanced topography, compelling viewers to interact with the work on multiple levels.
Join us for the unveiling of Avataran on February 4, at 12:00 noon at Jolie’s, Worli, as Anita Goel invites audiences to embark on a transformative journey through the realms of contemporary Indian art.

Event Details:
• Date: Anita Goel’s Avataran is on from Feb 4
• Time: 12 noon
• Venue: Jolie’s, Birla Centurion, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Century Mills Compound, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400030.