Humility works as an armour that shields us from many troubles. A humble person, by virtue of their modesty, rarely arouses jealousy or faces undue criticism and hostility. Suppose your car happens to touch another vehicle on the road. If you step out and apologise for the mistake, the matter will most likely end there. […]


Humility works as an armour that shields us from many troubles. A humble person, by virtue of their modesty, rarely arouses jealousy or faces undue criticism and hostility. Suppose your car happens to touch another vehicle on the road. If you step out and apologise for the mistake, the matter will most likely end there. Instead, if you start arguing with the other driver about whose fault it was, you can get into a row. Humbleness nips many a problem in the bud, and it prevents the maelstrom of thoughts that can arise from injured pride.

We all like humble and polite people. Does anyone love an arrogant, overbearing or boastful person? When we like those who are devoid of vanity, we can make an effort to be like them. After all, everyone, including us, expects to be treated with respect, so we can start by giving respect.

If you have people working under you and you keep shouting at them, they are going to resent it and not put in their best effort, or they may become inured to your words and cease to be bothered about what you say. On the other hand, if you show them care and respect, they will go out of their way to ensure that the work is done well. Love and humility bring cooperation, which makes even huge tasks easy.

It helps to pay more attention to our words, as it is through speech that we mostly interact with others and get many things done. The way we look and speak reveals what is in our mind. If we are jealous, conceited, or angry, it will show in our face and words, and damage relationships. The language of humility, however, is gentle, happy and encouraging; it gives joy and comfort to the listener.

On the spiritual path, if we are not humble, we cannot inspire others much, as people will detect any subtle ego we may have, and it will put them off. In a family or organisation, discord and conflict usually stem from a lack of humility — people do not value what others say, and they put across their own views in an abrasive manner. On the other hand, if they are humble and polite, it creates strong and harmonious relationships.

It takes just one humble person to change the atmosphere in a family. Sometimes we may feel that others take advantage of our humility, they do not value it, or they see it as our weakness. But there is hardly anyone who does not appreciate a lack of pride in others – it is a quality that touches people’s hearts and earns us their good wishes. That is why many religious traditions enjoin service on their adherents, and millionaires sweep and mop temple floors in order to develop humility.

B.K. Surya is a Rajyoga teacher at the Brahma Kumaris headquarters in Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
