Bollywood actors Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif resumed shooting for their upcoming outing ‘Tiger 3’ today. The actors are up for a physically challenging shoot that will push their bodies to the limit.
The shooting is taking place at the YRF Studios in Mumbai. “The new schedule of Tiger 3 has started today in Yash Raj Films Studios. It is a closely guarded set and one can expect no picture to leak from here. Salman and Katrina’s fitness will be tested in this schedule as well as the extensive overseas schedule that is set to start from mid-August,” a source said.
The source added, “Salman teased his physique in Tiger 3 on his social media and it is evident that he is building the best body that he has ever showcased on screen. Katrina, on the other hand, has been keeping an extremely low profile with hardly any revelation of how good she is looking currently. There’s a reason for this also. She has worked like a beast to be her fittest best and people will have to wait to see her fittest best on-screen when Tiger 3 is set to release.”
Looks like Salman and Katrina are set for some breath-taking action sequences. “It will be intense for these two actors because director Maneesh Sharma has planned some jaw-dropping and hugely risky action sequences that will truly test their overall fitness levels when they start their overseas schedule. Of course, Salman and Katrina are game for it and ready for any challenges to be thrown at them. It will be a fun schedule,” the source further said, teasing what’s in store for the movie buffs.
For the unversed, ‘Tiger 3’ is the third film in the successful ‘Ek Tha Tiger franchise’. Actor Emraan Hashmi will play the role of a villain in the upcoming movie. A few days ago, he had also shared a picture of his chiselled physique, hinting that it’s his new look for ‘Tiger 3’.
The upcoming film will mark Emraan’s maiden collaboration with YRF, which is producing the flick. ‘Tiger 3’ will have Salman reprise his role of R&AW (Research & Analysis Wing) agent Avinash Singh Rathore aka Tiger, while Katrina will be seen playing the female lead.
The first film of the popular franchise called ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ came out in 2012 and was directed by Kabir Khan.