BJP leader and advocate Ashwini Upadhyay filed a petition in the Supreme Court on Thursday seeking Uniform Code for Religious and Charitable Endowments and referred to the control of authorities on Hindu temples across the country, unlike certain other groups which are allowed to manage their own institutions.
The petitioner has sought a declaration that Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs have similar rights to own acquire, administer movable-immovable properties of their religious places like Muslims-Christians and State cannot abridge it. The petitioner has also sought declaration that the laws made to own, acquire and administer movable-immovable properties of temples-gurudwaras are arbitrary, irrational and offend Articles 14, 15, 26.
The plea further stated that the “injury” to Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs is extremely large because state governments are controlling temples and gurdwaras, but not the mosques and churches. The pathetic condition of temples and gurdwaras is the result of being managed by callous-corrupt state officials.
In 2002, from 2 lakh temples in Karnataka, the government collected Rs 72 crore, but returned merely Rs 10 crore for repair and maintenance. On the other hand, it granted Rs 50 crore for the madrasas and Rs 10 crore for churches, the plea said.