MUMBAI : Actor Sidharth Malhotra-starrer ‘Shershaah’ is all set to release digitally on August 12. On Thursday, the makers unveiled the teaser of the film, which is is based on the life of Param Vir Chakra awardee Vikram Batra. For the unversed, Vikram Batra laid down his life in the service of the nation while recapturing Indian territories from Pakistani intruders during the Kargil War in 1999. And due to his immense bravery, he was given the title of ‘Sher Shah’.
Siddharth will be seen essaying the role of Captain Vikram Batra. In teaser, we get a glimpse of real footage from the Kargil War. We can also see Siddharth donning the army uniform with the name of Vikram Batra. Sidharth is extremely proud to step into the shoes of Vikram Batra.
“Heroes live on through their stories. We are honoured to bring to you the true story of the Kargil War hero, Captain Vikram Batra (PVC).A film which has had a long journey for me and a real life character I am proud to play,” he wrote on Instagram while sharing the teaser’s link. Directed by Vishnu Varadhan and jointly produced by Dharma Productions and Kaash Entertainment, ‘Shershaah’ also features actors Kiara Advani, Shiv Panditt, Raj Arjun, Pranay Pachauri, Himanshu Ashok Malhotra, Nikitin Dheer and Anil Charanjeett.
Karan Johar, Dharma Productions’ head honcho, said, “’Shershaah’, the true story of a war hero whose indomitable spirit and bravery brought victory to our nation. His sacrifices are invaluable and his life is an inspiration for generations to come.”