The intellect is the vessel which holds the knowledge of God. It is different from the mind. A clean intellect is like the mind’s filter, sorting out thoughts of value from those of waste, enabling me to put into action only that which is of value. So much energy is saved in this way, enabling […]


The intellect is the vessel which holds the knowledge of God. It is different from the mind. A clean intellect is like the mind’s filter, sorting out thoughts of value from those of waste, enabling me to put into action only that which is of value. So much energy is saved in this way, enabling me to do more, better and in less time.

In India, in the olden days, each household kept a special vessel for water. The first thing done, in the early morning hours of every day, was to empty the vessel and put in fresh water. As the spiritual child of God, the least I can do, is clean the vessel of my intellect in the early morning hours of every day and fill it with spiritual truths. Only when my intellect is clean and full will I then have something of value to offer others.
