Archers Deepika Kumari and Atanu Das sailed into the finals of the ongoing World Cup here on Thursday. The star couple entered the finals of the mixed pair event and will now lock horns with Netherlands on Sunday. “Many congratulations to the recurve mixed team of @ImDeepikaK and @ArcherAtanu for reaching the gold medal match at the #ArcheryWorldCup Stage 3 in Paris. They will play Netherlands in the final on Sunday. #IndianSports,” SAIMedia tweeted.
In April this year, Atanu and Deepika had won the recurve men’s and women’s individual gold medals to cap an incredible first stage of the 2021 Archery World Cup in Guatemala City.While Deepika won her third World Cup gold medal, Atanu secured the first international gold of his career in the tournament.Atanu defeated Spain’s Daniel Castro in the latter’s international circuit debut.
The Indian archer shot sets of 28, 29, and a closing excellent 30 points in a four-set victory. Atanu is eyeing to make a mark and go two steps further in clinching a medal in archery in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics“I have it my mind that I have to come out victorious. But things are not as easy as it seems to be, you have to bridge the gap mentally and physically. I won’t replicate the mistakes I did in the 2016 Olympics, I will give my best in the 2020 Olympics,” Atani had told in May.