NEW DELHI:Madhya Pradesh School Education Minister Indersingh Parmar in conversation with the iTV Network talked in detail about the future of students. Excerpts:
Q. How do you plan to balance between the safety of students and their academics?
A: Our Chief Minister has given priority to students’ health as academics can be improved later on but right now their safety is priority. In a proper scientific manner we will evaluate their results so that they get what they deserve.
Q. How will the state mark students?
A. We are collecting suggestions from different stakeholders, but primarily we will evaluate the performances of 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade to form a final result for the students. After all, it will have a major impact on their future and competitive exams.
Q. How will you convince students who want to sit in exams?
A. We are taking care of proper ways to examine their past performances which will conclude their 12th marks. Students who want to sit in exams might get the same opportunity if they raise questions over their marks which they will score after the examination.