MUMBAI: Remembering his late mother Nargis Dutt on what would have been her 92nd birth anniversary, Sanjay Dutt shared priceless monochromatic pictures from his family album on social media. Missing his mother on the special day, the 61-year-old actor wrote, “There’s nobody else like you. Happy Birthday, Maa.”
Sanjay shared a special bond with his mother, who gave up her film career to bring up her three kids. Sanjay being the eldest was the most pampered.
His sister Namrata recalls, in one of Sanjay Dutt biographies, how Nargis tried to be tough with Sanjay but always ended up giving in to his demands. She adored Sanjay so much that she refused to acknowledge the proofs of his drug addiction. Priya Dutt, Sanjay’s another sister, was quoted in a Sanjay Dutt biography, “Once I heard Mom say to a friend, ‘Why is Sanjay’s room always locked when his friends are there? What is the big deal? I hope he’s not gay’.”
Sanjay had once told in an interview to India Today, “I hope my wife doesn’t pamper my children the way my mother did me. My wife tells me if the kids don’t hate the parents when they are growing up, there is something wrong in their parenting. I am tough to my children when I want to be tough.”