NEW DELHI: Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan, who keeps treating her fans with stunning posts, shared a refreshing picture of herself on social media on Sunday, urging people to ‘stay safe’ amid COVID-19. The ‘3 Idiots’ actor took to her Instagram story and shared a gorgeous selfie urging fans to not ‘lose hope’ amid these testing times. In the picture, Kareena could be seen sporting a floral kaftan and looking absolutely pretty. Along with the picture, she wrote, “Stay home, stay safe… Don’t lose hope” followed by heart emojis.
Recently, Kareena had mourned the loss of IAF Squadron Leader Abhinav Choudhary who passed away in a jet crash in Punjab. Sharing a monochrome picture of Abhinav, she had written, “Rest in peace, Sqn Ldr Abhinav Choudhary. My deepest condolences to the family and the loved ones.” On the work front, Kareena, whose last movie was ‘Angrezi Medium’, will next be seen in ‘Laal Singh Chadha’, co-starring opposite Aamir Khan. Helmed by Advait Chandan, the Bollywood flick is a remake of the Hollywood classic ‘Forrest Gump’. Apart from ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, Kareena is also a part of ace filmmaker Karan Johar’s period epic ‘Takht’.