NEW DELHI: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan on Monday addressed the online hate and abusive comments he has been receiving by social media users alleging him for not contributing towards COVID-19 relief. Few big names from the industry are being targeted, alleging them for not contributing towards the COVID-19 relief funds in India.
Feeling sad over the distasteful comments, the legendary star took to his blog site and addressed everyone that he ‘believes in doing charity rather than speaking about it’. “Yes I do charity , but have ever believed it to be done, than spoken of .. it is embarrassing , in too great a self consciousness .. of one that has ever felt shy of public presence despite the profession – one that has to find its usp in public domains is relevant today for me,” he wrote. Big B further said that the contributions that his family had made in the past few years has always been kept under the wraps, with no social media show-off saying that “only the receiver knew and that was the end ..”