Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the national capital received 730 tonnes of oxygen supply against its daily demand of 700 tonnes from the Central government on Wednesday.
Addressing a press conference here, Kejriwal expressed gratitude to the Central government, Delhi High Court, and the Supreme Court. “For the first time, the Centre supplied 730 tonnes oxygen to Delhi on 5 May. Delhi requires 700 tonnes. We are thankful to the Central government, Delhi High Court, and Supreme Court. With their efforts, we received 730 tonnes of oxygen. I request everyone with folded hands to not bring down the supply, we will be thankful,” he said.
Delhi Chief Minister also said that hospitals in Delhi had to reduce their bed capacity due to the oxygen crisis, and the city looks forward to increasing the bed capacity again to tackle the exigencies it’s fraught with. “I hope we will receive 700 tonnes of oxygen every day. If we get an adequate supply of oxygen , 700 tonnes, we will be able to set up 9,000-9,500 beds in Delhi. We will be able to create oxygen beds. I assure you that we will not let anyone die to a shortage of oxygen in Delhi,” he added.
Earlier, Kejriwal also wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing “gratitude on behalf of people of Delhi” for the supply of 730 MT oxygen yesterday. “I request you to supply the same amount of oxygen daily to Delhi,” he wrote.
The national capital reported 19,133 new Covid-19 infections and 335 deaths on Thursday. There are 90,629 active cases in Delhi currently.