Haryana Police arrested the ‘kingpin’ of a racket engaged in black-marketing of Remdesivir drug from Panipat district which is in high demand for the treatment of Covid-19 patients on Monday.
According to the Haryana Police spokesperson, the primary probe revealed that the arrested accused used to buy injection from a Uttarakhand resident at the rate of Rs 12,000 per vial and then sold the same between Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000.
“Out of 750 vials brought so far, the accused had already sold 650 injections. Out of 750 vials the accused gave 100 injections to his nephew Sumit, 150 to Saksham and 40 injections to Keshav for black-marketing,» said Police. «The arrested accused was identified as Pardeep, a resident Panipat,» it added.
Earlier, Haryana Police on 27 April, had nabbed three youths from Panipat on the charges of black-marketing of Remdesivir injection and recovered 19 vials from their possession. They were taken on police remand.
During the remand period, the accused revealed that they had purchased the vials from Pardeep, who runs a medical store at a hospital located on Sanoli road. Based on the information, the police team immediately nabbed him and when interrogated, the accused confessed to having committed the black-marketing of the vials in this pandemic.
On completion of the police remand of accused Sumit, Saksham and Keshav, they were produced in the Court and sent to judicial custody. Accused Pradeep is taken on four-day police remand for intensive interrogation.
During the investigation, it also came to light that the wrapper of the seized vials is quite different from the company›s injection and seems these were not original. The public is requested to be beware of such gangs involved in black marketing and immediately inform the police.