MUMBAI: Telugu actor Allu Arjun on Wednesday informed that he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will remain under home quarantine. The 38-year-old actor took to Instagram and posted a statement requesting his fans not to worry about his health as he is doing fine. “Hello everyone! I have tested positive for Covid.
I have isolated myself at home and have been following all the protocols. I request those who have come in contact with me to get tested. Stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated when you get the chance. I request all my well-wishers and fans not to worry about me as I am doing fine. Love, “ read the statement by Arjun. Scores of fans chimed into the comments section as they wish the ‘Sarrainodu’ star a speedy recovery.
On the professional front, Arjun has completed the shoot for ‘AA21’, and also has got an action-thriller based on red sandal smuggling in India – titled ‘Pushpa’– in the pipeline.