Chandigarh: In order to give impetus to the infrastructure development in the rural areas of the state, the Punjab Government on Tuesday prioritised the projects to the tune of Rs 911 crore for seeking assistance from NABARD under the RIDF-XXVII during the current financial year. A decision to this effect was taken at a high-powered committee meeting, chaired by Chief Secretary Vini Mahajan to review the progress of the ongoing NABARD-funded projects in the state, here on Tuesday. Lauding the efforts of NABARD, implementing departments and the finance department for doubling the availability of the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) assistance to Rs 600 crore during 2020-21 registering 100 percent year-on-year growth over the previous year by obtaining additional borrowing power for the first time, the Chief Secretary directed the departments concerned to complete all the ongoing infrastructure and development projects in time