Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday interacted with students, teachers and parents during “Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021” via video conferencing wherein he advised students not to give exams under any pressure in order to perform in a better way.
“We have been living amid coronavirus for the past one year. I had to leave behind the urge to meet you all and come to you via a new format. To not meet you in person, to not experience your enthusiasm is a huge loss for me,” PM Modi during the first virtual edition of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’. He listened to questions from two students over how to tackle the pleasure of exams.
“Earlier parents used to be connected with children on many subjects and also were comfortable. Nowadays parents are involved with children for only their career, studies and celebrations,” PM Modi said, adding: “If parents are more involved then they understand the interest, nature, tendency of the children and fill the shortcomings of the children.”
“We have one word for the exam—Kasautii. It means to tighten yourself, it is not that the exam is the last chance. Rather, the exam is a perfect opportunity to tighten yourself up to live a long life in a better way,” the PM mentioned.
“The problem is when we consider exam as the end of life’s dreams, we make the question of life and death. Exams are an opportunity to create life, there is an opportunity to take it as it is.”
“If you have two hours to study then read every subject in the same manner. If it is a matter of studies then take the hard thing first, if your mind is fresh then try to take the hard thing first. If you solve a difficult problem, then the simple will become even simpler,” the prime minister said while answering a question of a student of how to learn hard subjects.
PM Modi further said, “When I was the Chief Minister and after that, I became Prime Minister, I also read a lot. One has to learn a lot, several things have to be understood. So what I used to do is that I start in the morning with difficult things.”
“Even if you find some topics difficult, this is not a drawback in your life. You just keep in mind that you do not have to shy away from studying difficult subjects,” he said.
The Prime Minister further mentioned that people who are very successful in life are not proficient in every subject. “But their grip on one subject is tremendous,” he added. WITH ANI INPUTS