Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday took on the Trinamool Congress government in West Bengal as he alleged that there has been an attempt to ban ‘Jai Sri Ram’ slogan in the state whereas ‘love jihad’ and cow smugling are rampant dur to “appeasement politics”.
Addressing a rally in Malda district, Yogi Adityanath said, “Durga Puja gets prohibited in Bengal today and cow slaughter is forcefully started during Eid. People’s sentiments are toyed with through cow smuggling. The state government remains silent. Now, there is an attempt to ban slogan of ‘Jai Sri Ram’ and attacks are executed.” Accusing the ruling TMC of practicing appeasement politics, Yogi Adityanath said, “Love jihad is being executed here. We have made a law against it in Uttar Pradesh. But in West Bengal, there is appeasement politics. As a reason, the state government is unable to stop cow smuggling and love jihad. These dangerous activities will show results in the time to come.”
He further said, “I would like to tell the Bengal government and Mamata didi that there was a government in Uttar Pradesh, which used to fire bullets at Lord Ram devotees in Ayodhya. You can see the condition of that government now. Now, it is the turn of the TMC government in Bengal.”
“The national leadership of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and every worker of the party has come here to connect to the Bengali brothers and sisters to re-establish the identity of Bengal and carry forward a new change through this. West Bengal has always been a land of cultural nationalism in India. It has been the land of the revolution for India’s freedom struggle. Today it hurts us and the entire country when we see an environment of anarchy here,” he said.
The elections for the 294 Assembly seats in West Bengal will begin on 27 March.