MUMBAI : Bollywood star Jacqueline Fernandez on Monday shared a monochromatic picture with co-star Akshay Kumar as she kick-started the shooting for upcoming action-thriller Bachchan Pandey. The actress hopped on to Instagram and expressed her excitement as she has started shooting with Kumar. In the picture, Fernandez can be seen hugging Akshay Kumar. She has sported a cold shoulder white top and donned a high ponytail, while her co-star looks dashing in a chequered shirt.
Taking to the caption, she wrote, “The mostttt excited today as I start shooting with @akshaykumar for #SajidNadiadwala’s #BachchanPandey directed by @farhad_samji.” “Are you ready to meet this gang in cinemas next year?” she asked her fans. The film also stars Akshay Kumar in the lead