Ram Gopal Varma, who was leading the celebration of re-release of his film ‘Satya’, has faced a slight setback as the Mumbai Magistrate Court sentenced him for three months. The filmmaker is known for his controversial remarks and this time might attract punishment in the cheque bounce case filed against him in 2018 related to one of his movies titled ‘Shree’.
Varma had been in dire financial straits after a sequence of unsuccessful movies over the years. He managed to get a bail in the case in the year 2022 after putting down a cash security of Rs. 5000. But, the India Today reported on Tuesday, January 21, how the court presented the case to hear Varma. He remained absent, hence under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, this led to cases for cheque bouncing on account of inadequate funds and overpayment.
The court has also directed Varma to pay Rs. 3.72 lakh as compensation to the complainant. In addition, a non-bailable warrant has been issued against his arrest due to his absence at the hearing.